My milk paint finish is generally as follows- 2-3 coats of milk paint, one coat of penetrating danish oil, 2-3 coats of a thin wipe on satin poly that seals the paint and prevents water spotting and alows for easy cleanup of surfaces.
When you order furniture from me with a mil paint finish, I offer three basic options.
1- Full coverage- This means that I do my best to have full coverage of all of the surfaces. In the finishing process, each coat is buffed out. It is possible that there may be a minute ammount of buff through on an edge or two. If this happens on a flat surface, I apply more paint. This paint will appear to be full coverage.
2- Wear-through at sharper edges to reveal the warm cherry of the rails or poplar of the seat (chairs and benches). This is my favorite treatment as it highlights some of the lines of the furniture. Edges of the crest rail, arms and sharper edges of the seats on chairs and benches.
3- Full on antiquing- wearing through in areas that would see normal wear. Thinning of paint on seats and other flat areas.
You are always welcome to discuss the finish in detail if you have specific ideas.
Below are some pictures that show my #2 treatment.
Below are a few shots of painted case pieces and an arm chair. These are more like a #3 treatment.